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With over 1,600 realtors in the London area, how do you get the right ones helping you? While there are lots of opinions, what’s important is the experience of which you’ll be part .

Most of our clients have already worked with us before, or are a friend of someone who has. Year after year, 85% of our business is from return clients and referrals from people we know.

We care about our clients’ well-being and real estate success just as we would for a member of the family. As realtors, we do for you everything we would do for ourselves or someone we love. And we don’t do anything we wouldn’t do for ourselves or someone we love.

So, you will never get the sense that we want the sale to go through more than you do – it must be right for you.

We care and know about the things that are important to our clients – from neighbourhoods to negotiations. We apply our knowledge and experience, attention to detail, creativity, and  problem-solving skills uniquely for each client. We enjoy all of this plus the many special moments we spend with our clients.

In addition to communicating with you regularly, the two of us communicate with one another regularly. We talk about better ways to serve our clients and share new ideas and information that one of us has come across. Our business has evolved over the years by both anticipating change and responding to it. This, and the  wonderful people we meet, continue to make our business an enjoyable and engaging experience. We have earned a very positive reputation in the industry, and you can be sure this helps our clients in many practical and meaningful ways.

We both chose this career. We are in it for the long term and we are in it with excellence always in mind. Our 20 year partnership plus our combined 54 years of experience are available to share with you. Yes, we both win Re/Max awards but that’s not how we measure success. We measure success through the relationships we build and the kind words of our clients.


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